Chapter 5010
Scarlet was very worried that she would lose such a big customer if Figo persisted.

The auction would be held in three days. Everything would be over if she offended Figo at this time.

Figo thought that Scarlet was just being modest and quickly stepped in to put in a good word for her.

In Figo’s opinion, they were madly in love with each other.

After chatting pretentiously for a while, Scarlet finally left.

Kimberly and Figo were quite pleased with the meeting.

Over the years, Kimberly had never seen such a humble woman. Kimberly was happy that Scarlet was aware of her humble background and maintained this inferior attitude throughout the whole process.

Kimberly hoped that this humbleness could boost her sense of superiority.

No matter what, she had to be the queen of this household.

“I can consider this matter for the time being, but the actual outcome will depend on Scarlet’s performance. If I’m not happy with her, you can forget about it,” Kimberly said loftily bef
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