Chapter 5012
Philip burst out laughing at Aslan’s remark.

Although he had noticed Scarlet’s tricks, he was considerate and did not expose her on the spot.

After all, this might be Scarlet's business tactic. Exposing it might embarrass her.

However, Aslan was different.

He was a direct person and would never consider these issues.

In his opinion, being forthright was the most honest and sincere way.

Even after being exposed to the human way of life, Aslan still found it difficult to change his straightforward nature.

Aslan scratched his head at Scarlet's explanation.

“Really? How could you not know? I clearly felt the charm you used on me.”

Aslan felt that this woman was very dishonest and gave her a bad rating.

He preferred honest women.

Fortunately, Aslan did not speak loudly, and no one around him heard him clearly.

Before Scarlet could say something to ease the embarrassment, Figo hurried over.

He had prepared some gifts for Scarlet, but she left in such a hurry that he
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