Chapter 5217
Oz turned a blind eye and told Alton about the storage ring that he saw today.

Alton was dumbfounded, his reaction exactly the same as Oz’s earlier. “Gosh, what are you saying? Are you sure you're not kidding me?”

Alton was shocked and wondered why someone would sell a storage ring.

He trusted Philip.

Although Alton detested Philip, he had to admit that the store sold pretty good stuff. A scam was impossible, and reality proved that Philip had a storage ring!

“Did they mention the transaction process?” Alton said in a panic, regretful that he had distanced himself from Philip.

If he had maintained a good relationship with Philip, he would not have to go to great lengths to buy a storage ring from Philip now. He knew Philip would not sell him a storage ring that easily now.

In that case, he could only find other means to get the ring.

“I heard that they’ll only sell rings to the first five people every day, and it won’t go on for long. They probably want to build up thei
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