Chapter 5220
After Noelle woke up at noon the next day, she leisurely opened the door for business again. This time, the queue extended from the entrance of Treasure House to the end of the street.

“We want to buy a storage ring!”

As soon as Noelle opened the door, everyone started shouting.

Everyone wanted to get the ring, but the number was limited, and most of them knew they had missed the chance. However, they wanted to fight for it. What if Treasure House decided to sell unlimited quantities today?

Noelle ignored them and invited the first five people in.

They always stuck to the rules. Since they had agreed on five, they would only sell the rings to five people.

These people were in disguise. Philip gave each of them a camouflage pill and told them to leave from the backdoor. It was normal for others to target them if they carried such a valuable item with them.

Philip wanted to reduce this possibility.

Of course, once they left this street, they had to fend for themselves.

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