Chapter 5011
The attendants saw Aslan’s reaction and felt a little confused. This was the first time they saw this reaction after working here for many years.

Other onlookers seemed unhappy at this big guy’s pretentiousness.

Obviously, this guy was belittling the products because he could not afford them.

“How annoying.”

At this time, Scarlet grumbled as she returned to Bijou Parlor.

She wished she could smack the high and mighty look off Kimberly’s face.

As the person in charge of Bijou Parlor, everyone always adopted a humble attitude in front of her.

However, that ignorant and ridiculous woman dared to humiliate her like this.

If not for her good upbringing, Scarlet would have killed her already.

“If I ever see that woman alone, I’ll cut her into pieces!” Scarlet mumbled angrily as she walked.

As soon as she entered the door, Scarlet saw a handsome figure. It was none other than Philip, who had been on her mind all day.

Scarlet wanted to look for Philip, but he simply vanis
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