Chapter 5018
Figo had never cared about the lives and dignity of outsiders.

They could not do anything here without money or power.

As for Figo, he was practically the prince of this city.

Except for his brothers and sisters who could quash him, no one could hold a candle to him.

Aslan looked at him. Although Bill was wary, Aslan was unhappy with his attitude.

“Stop acting all high and mighty at your age.”

After saying this, he rushed out so fast that no one could react.

Even Bill, who was on full alert, almost failed to respond.

By the time he saw Aslan's afterimage, Aslan had arrived in front of him.

Aslan attacked at full power this time.

His seemingly casual move contained a lot of energy and blasted Bill into the wall across.

Everyone watched in horror.

Normally, they only saw Bill dealing with others and never the other way around.

They finally saw it today!

Some people applauded at this unbelievable scene.

They had been bullied by Bill before. He was a villain i
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