Chapter 5024
Tory felt that Philip was a god from heaven here to save him!

It would be great if Philip could supply these things to him, but Tory was worried too.

After all, these things seemed very valuable. Even if Philip could supply them, Tory might not be able to afford it.

Philip understood Tory's hesitation and knew that Tory wanted to buy pills and weapons from him.

He found out some information when he arrived at Orbit City.

This continent was a little backward as a whole, but Orbit City’s economic development was quite strong.

Facts had proven that the Larson family controlled the money, so Tory could not lay his hands on it even though he was the mayor.

Without money, Tory could not develop his force. Practitioners required money to support themselves.

Tory could not support so many people with his wages alone.

Tory’s mind raced. After catching a whiff of Philip’s pill, he knew that it was no ordinary item.

After seeing Philip's indifference, Tory knew that Philip fou
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