Chapter 5028
Shadow was surprised to receive the pill and weapon.

Tory trusted Philip wholeheartedly, so he took the enhancement pill right in front of Shadow.

As Tory's personal bodyguard, Shadow was very loyal and immediately followed suit.

They looked thoughtful as they marveled at the miraculous effect of the pills.

Since it was their first time taking this pill and coupled with the good effects, their levels increased by a stage.

As top experts, it was very difficult for them to improve their level, but one pill did that.

How amazing was that?

Shadow knelt to Tory in trepidation.

“Thank you for your bestowment, Mayor!”

He was a smart man and knew how valuable this pill was.

As someone close to Tory, he was even more aware that Tory was almost broke.

Tory must have spent a huge fortune to the point of bankruptcy to get these things.

Tory helped Shadow up without comment.

The two quickly discussed the next steps, and Shadow was tasked to distribute the items.

It was t
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