Chapter 5033
No one dared to compete with Bijou Parlor. This force that had operated for many years all across major cities was not to be trifled with.

Rover arrived at Treasure House and glared at the onlookers in disdain.

“Why are you so excited over a newly opened store?”

A man next to Rover heard his question. He glanced at him and did not recognize Rover.

Since they did not know each other, he could speak his mind.

“What do you know? The person in charge of Treasure House is very beautiful! I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman in Orbit City!”

Rover felt disdainful of the man’s ignorant remarks.

In Rover's opinion, Scarlet was the most beautiful woman in the whole continent.

Seeing the fanatic looks of these people, Rover decided to squeeze in and take a look.

He pushed through the crowd and entered Treasure House.

Noelle did not expect that she would cause such a big sensation.

More importantly, these people were not interested in the products sold at Treasure House at
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