Chapter 5032
Everyone was tempted to stop and look at the window in front.

“Why is it called Treasure House? Is it a copy of Bijou Parlor?”

“I don’t think so. Maybe they just sell the same things.”

“Hehe, how could anyone else sell those things? You should know how difficult it is to find those pills and weapons in this world!”

No one believed in the authenticity of Treasure House, so they placed bets and decided to enter the store to take a look.

As soon as they entered Treasure House, they saw various pills and weapons. However, unlike Bijou Parlor where herbal fragrance filled the store, the smell here was almost non-existent.

“I don’t think this place can make it. There are no beautiful attendants at the door, and there's no pill aroma!”

A man with a potbelly waved his fan unhappily, already looking down on this place.

As a man who appreciated beauty, he valued beautiful attendants.

A feast for the eyes was enough to satisfy him.

“I've had enough of the shrew at home, so I w
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