Chapter 5031
Tory marveled at this scene.

Noelle and Aslan were probably stronger than Shadow, but Tory did not notice any energy fluctuation from them at all.

Either the technique they practiced was very powerful or they had a unique method to conceal their strength.

Either possibility would be highly sought after on this continent, not to mention the other distant continent.

He had no intention of exposing them but merely took note of it.

All the more Tory felt that Philip was a very powerful person.

With this secret technique, even a weak person could conceal their strength from powerful people.

When something was unknown, the other party would become doubtful.

People would guess whether this person was weak or strong.

In a nutshell, it depended on whether this person could fool others.

Aslan and Noelle were so powerful, but they still took orders from Philip, which proved that Philip was definitely extraordinary.

Tory said to Philip, “If you start your business tomorrow, I
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