Chapter 5034
Although the pills on display did not exude any aroma, the customers trusted Noelle for some reason.

They felt that Noelle only sold the best pills.

“How much would this pill cost at Bijou Parlor?” Noelle asked everyone curiously.

They quickly replied, “An average pill would cost 300 energy stones. Better ones will be even more expensive!”

“Besides, I think the pills they have that cost hundreds of energy stones can’t hold a candle to the one you have!”

“Is the pill you have in your hand worth at least a thousand energy stones? No, probably more than that. I think you can put it up for auction!”

Noelle nodded upon hearing the comments.

It seemed that these defective pills were very valuable!

Philip listened calmly on the side.

He knew that his pills would be highly sought after but not to this extent.

Were the pills sold here really that bad?

Philip shook his head and vanished from the spot.

As Philip suspected, Orbit City was relatively remote, making it diffic
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