Chapter 5027
Since Philip had his considerations regarding this matter, Tory could rest easy.

“Okay, let’s do this. I’ll find a store for you right away and renovate it overnight!” Tory said with a smile.

Tory felt very good with Philip’s reassurance.

Philip nodded and took out a design drawing, which he had told Aslan to obtain for him.

Due to the large time difference between the two worlds, only a short time had passed here even though Aslan had been away for a while.

Tory was surprised to see the drawing. He stroked the paper gently, trying to hide his shock.

This paper was miles apart from the ones he usually came into contact with.

They only used parchment here, so the paper given by Philip was like a work of art.

A thin layer of paper could contain so many drawings.

It felt different to the touch. It was much more high-end than parchment.

He glanced discreetly at Philip, trying to contain his shocked trembling.

Philip did not notice Tory’s reaction. He had not seen the
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