Chapter 5029
Aslan felt a sense of crisis, but he had stopped growing at his age. He could only hope that the boy would not surpass him.

As a monster beast, he was full of fighting spirit.

Philip ignored their weird thoughts and took everyone to the Guzo Continent.

They instantly felt the abundant energy upon entering this land, but Noelle and the others thought it was not as comfortable as the villa.

The energy at the villa was more intense. More importantly, the energy had been purified and was of the highest quality.

With every breath, they could absorb the energy without processing it further.

Unlike the energy here, they had to convert the energy before absorbing it. Hence, they preferred the energy at the villa.

Philip went home for a while, so it was already early the next morning when they returned.

Philip led them out one after another. He had bought some local clothes for the kids to avoid any misunderstanding.

After all, the kids had a separate mission.

He did not wan
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