Chapter 5026
Since the other party was so uncooperative, Philip would not give them any leeway either.

It was Bijou Parlor's loss for not working with Philip.

With Aslan’s suggestion, Philip was more enthusiastic about his idea.

“Make arrangements for someone to set up the store.”

Philip asked Aslan to return to the other world to make arrangements while he returned to the mayor’s residence.

He had to discuss this with Tory.

Most of the real estate belonged to the Larson family, and only a small portion belonged to the mayor.

Philip did not want to go around searching for a suitable spot.

Since he had people on hand, why not make good use of them?

Tory was still basking in excitement with the weapons and pills on hand when he noticed someone appearing quietly.

He immediately went on full alert.

As a mayor, he always had to be on guard for assassins.

With these treasures on hand now, it was impossible for him to drop his guard.

He was relieved when he saw Philip.

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