Chapter 5025
Philip did not have any ordinary weapons on hand, while the pills were made by the kids at home.

On the other hand, Aslan was fanatical about various weapons, so he would find a way to store them no matter how many pills the kids made.

Aslan rummaged around the weapons and kept one of them.

“I usually use this one to pick my teeth.”

Aslan chuckled and put all the other weapons in front of Tory.

Tory was dumbfounded at the pile of weapons and pills.

He thought it would be good enough if he could get a few pills, but Philip gave him so many so casually.

It was simply a blessing!

Although Tory was excited, he was embarrassed too.

“Um, although I’m very interested in these things, I may be a little short on funds. I have 10,000 medium-quality energy stones with me. How many items can I purchase with that amount?”

Tory was not very wealthy because most of his money was used to subsidize various military affairs in the city.

Even through his efforts, however, it was dif
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