Chapter 5023
Tory crushed the pill and instantly smelled the aroma.

He soon realized that the aroma had spread throughout the mayor's residence.

Tory quickly set up a barrier to lock the smell within the compound.

If the smell spread out, many people would notice it.

Maybe some people would guess that he had met Philip.

As a smart man, he knew he had to keep this a secret.

Philip nodded with satisfaction at Tory’s actions. Indeed, he was not an imbecile.

Verifying this pill proved Tory’s trust in Philip.

Other than his shock, Tory felt very rueful.

He wished he could turn back time.

He did not want to crush this pill at all!

This pill was absolutely priceless, maybe even worthy enough in exchange for Orbit City.

Philip gave it to him so casually and even told him to crush it.

It was a waste to ruin this perfect pill instead of using it properly.

With a whiff of this aroma, he felt as if his hidden wounds were much better, and his old wounds were healing one after another
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