Chapter 5022
Philip smiled calmly. Even without the mayor, he could take care of this disgusting family.

The mayor would simply make things faster.

“It’s a deal. Don’t go back on your word!”

Tory did not expect Philip to agree so readily.

It was the first time a negotiation went so smoothly for him.

Therefore, he was wary about this.

However, as long as Philip did not deviate from the plan, he would not do anything either.

After all, his purpose was to deal with the Larson family as quickly as possible.

As long as he could get rid of the Larson family, many problems would be solved.

However, it was easier said than done.

The eldest son of the family who was far away in Imperial City played a very important role.

If he found out that his family in Orbit City was destroyed, he would be angry and come after Tory.

It would be great if the force behind Philip was strong enough to curb this matter.

“By the way, my scout told me that you took out a pill in Bijou Parlor.”

Tory w
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