Chapter 5021
Tory was surprised that Philip and Aslan arrived so quietly.

Even the most powerful practitioner would leave some traces, but these two people floated over just like a gust of wind.

Seeing the two in their strange attire, Tory greeted them politely, “I’m glad to see both of you.”

He poured them some tea while almost choking with emotion. Aslan waved his hand and took out a can of soda.

He had a recent addiction to soda and carried a lot with him.

In his opinion, Philip’s storage ring was just nice to keep his snacks and drinks.

Tory was surprised to see Aslan easily conjuring a strange item from the storage ring.

Of course, he was more surprised that Aslan actually owned a storage ring at such a young age.

With his qualifications and level, he only owned a storage bag.

A person had to be at the Imperial City level to own a storage ring.

Aslan scratched his head in embarrassment when he noticed Tory staring fixedly at his ring.

Philip nudged Aslan.

“Why don’t you
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