Chapter 5020
Figo did not expect the person next to Philip to be so powerful.

Bill was Figo's last hope.

Now that Bill had been beaten to a pulp, Figo dared not say another word.

After staring at Philip in horror, Figo ran away in a panic.

The guards quickly followed suit, not forgetting to retrieve Bill from the wall.

Philip and Aslan smiled at each other as they turned tail and left.

The other party was quite strong but not enough to deal with them.

Philip could torment them to death with his endless pills alone, not to mention other things.

At this moment, someone walked up to Philip and handed him a letter.

Philip stared at the other person cautiously. After confirming that there was no hostility, Philip accepted the letter.

He knew that this letter was from a big shot.

Shadow vanished from the spot after handing the letter to Philip as if he had never been here before.

Philip did not expect that someone would contact him in this way.

No one reacted as if they did not
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