Chapter 5019
This family had done many heinous deeds and harmed the lives of many people in Orbit City.

Many practitioners chose to move away from this hellhole.

Some people could not afford to live in the city and could only move to remote areas after their ability to practice was ruined.

Tory could only reach out to them in secret and help them.

He would be in trouble if these people knew what he did.

As the mayor, Tory felt very frustrated and had been thinking of ways to restore his position.

Getting rid of this vile family was the best option.

However, this family’s roots had been deeply entrenched in this city for many years.

As a mayor who was appointed much later, he simply could not touch them.

Just when he thought there was no solution, hope appeared in front of him. It was none other than Philip in his strange attire.

Although he agreed that Philip's attire was strange, Tory was an open-minded mayor.

He felt that Philip could bring him many surprises.

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