Chapter 5017
Bill could not wait to teach Philip a good lesson for his arrogance.

He would never allow anyone to insult his dignity!

If news of this incident spread, how was he supposed to maintain his reputation in Orbit City?

Bill was arrogant because of his reputation, and no one dared to mess with him.

He could not tolerate the fact that a young man slapped him in the face in public.

Although Aslan only attacked his men, the result was the same.

Bill reached out to grab Aslan’s throat.

In Bill's opinion, this small move was enough to deal with him.

Despite Aslan’s tall build, Bill was stronger.

Just when Bill thought he could easily handle this, Aslan moved.

He tilted his head and avoided the attack.

Bill was startled at how Aslan dodged his attack so easily.

He attacked with all his might just now.

Aslan should be half-dead even if he survived, but he dodged the attack so easily.

Bill’s mind raced.

His expression became solemn, and his eyes contained a trace of ca
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