Chapter 5015
Bill was very angry that someone so young dared to speak to him like that.

“How dare you?!”

He and his men guarded the door, waiting to teach Philip a lesson.

Philip would step out of the door eventually, and it would mean certain death for him!

They were not allowed to use energy inside Bijou Parlor, but no one said anything about outside.

The moment Philip walked out of this building would mean his death!

Everyone looked at Philip with worry, certain that he was no match for the other party.

Although no one knew how strong Philip was, the age difference between the two said it all.

Bill had more practical experience than Philip, and he was a very vicious and powerful henchman of the Larson family.

Philip could never hope to defeat this old man.

Aslan scoffed. “Who does this guy think he is? He shouldn't think he can do whatever he wants just because he's old. I won't buy that!”

Everyone took their hats off Aslan’s bad temper, but they were worried about the outc
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