Chapter 5014
Scarlet watched in confusion, surprised that Figo would mess with Philip.

She wanted to mend her relationship with Philip, but Figo ruined her plan.

Figo glanced at the female attendant standing next to him and winked at her.

Although he kept declaring his love for Scarlet, he would not give up on other beautiful women either.

As long as the other party was a beautiful woman, Figo would not care about anything else.

He was not only interested in Scarlet but all the other female attendants in the store too.

The attendant was frightened by Figo’s wink and quickly retreated to the lounge.

Figo turned to Philip smugly, certain that he was sure to win.

Bill was Figo’s butler, a capable person responsible for protecting Figo's safety.

Figo was very confident with Bill around.

“Why go out? Can’t we do it here?” Philip laughed.

He had no time to waste.

Philip did not have a good impression of Scarlet to begin with. Now that someone wanted to make a move, he would not sa
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