Chapter 5013
Everyone waited for Scarlet to clarify the situation, but she was at a loss too.

Scarlet never thought something like this would happen to her.

“My mother is very happy with you, so we can start thinking about our marriage preparations.”

Figo did not notice the change in Scarlet’s expression and spoke mindlessly.

Many customers started to leave.

Seeing that Scarlet was about to marry Figo, they were very disappointed.

“Sir Larson, I really can't agree to this!” Scarlet said loudly, trying to win her customers back.

Sure enough, they hesitated and looked at Scarlet expectantly.

If Scarlet rejected Figo outright, they would consider supporting her again.

Figo was puzzled but quickly realized that it had to be because of the big gap between their backgrounds.

Before Figo could say anything, he noticed Philip watching the fun in the crowd.

Philip and a tall man next to him were watching curiously as if they were waiting for Figo to make a fool of himself.

Although h
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