Chapter 5206
Vance was sullen and felt that Philip had hurt him. As a person of high ranking in Breeze City, Vance was not used to such humiliation.

“I have to let him know that I’m a person of noble status while someone like him can only hope to remain a shopkeeper for the rest of his life!”

No store ever dared to kick him out. Philip was the first.

Jeff looked at Vance nervously, wondering why this store messed with Vance. Although he wanted to figure out how the conflict started, it was not the time to speak while they were out in public.

Jeff noticed Vance’s air of superiority and sighed.

“Do whatever you want, but you have to bear responsibility for your actions! I suggest that we divide our family property so that we can protect ourselves if something goes wrong," Jeff finally stated his thoughts and purpose.

Everyone finally realized how important energy stones were after they encountered the beast stampede and were forced to flee from Breeze City.

“I think we can consider your
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