Chapter 5208
Alton could always find something to help him decide. At this time, Alton was focused on connecting with people from Breeze City.

The Cod family was quite big. Arriving here in one piece was enough to prove their strength. It was better than nothing. The gains would far outweigh the losses if Alton worked with them.

Although Jeff was unhappy with Vance’s actions, he chose to help Vance for the sake of the family’s interests. Since the family wanted to gain a foothold in the city, they had to make a name for themselves. The simplest method was to mess with Treasure House.

Vance and his men only had a grudge against Treasure House since they arrived, so they decided to target the other party. Alton happily received Jeff, who was the sole representative.

“Indeed, I've heard of the Cod family. You have a good reputation, and you have good financial standing to back you up,” Alton said with envy. To be honest, he was truly jealous of such a wealthy family. Although he held a high po
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