Chapter 5207
Jeff knew that his action would definitely offend many people, so he sorted out all his connections when he arrived in the city. He would make use of anyone useful to him. After everything was done, he did not expose himself but holed up in a secluded inn.

He believed no one could find him.

Even though Jeff disapproved of Vance, he would not joke about something like this. He would never use family affairs to cause internal conflicts.

Vance was the only heir to the family, and Jeff was resentful of this fact.

This position belonged to his elder brother, but everything had changed. Jeff was heartbroken over his brother’s tragic death and mentally prepared himself to accept this job. Although it was difficult to take up the position of head of the family, he relished it.

However, others quickly denied this outcome, and even gossipmongers had various stories about Vance’s family.

Although the Cod family was quite famous in the next town, they could only find some unnecessary i
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