Chapter 5211
The Cod family used the same method against the mayor of Breeze City.

Jeff quickly returned to the mayor's residence and conveyed Emma’s message, “We agree to give you 40% of the turnover, but you have to do some things for us. We need to build our residence and store.”

The two quickly decided on the plan, but Alton had already implemented his plan in the background.

The Cod family wanted to use him to deal with Treasure House, so he could turn things against the former. Alton’s many spies had found out about the conflict between Vance and Philip. That was why they could not wait to get back at Philip.

What happened at Treasure House was not a secret. The news spread like wildfire, and everyone soon heard how Vance was kicked out. It was a fatal blow to the superior Cod family.

Alton smiled and found some people to act as the guards of the Cod family to mess with them.

“Oz, get some people to cause trouble in the name of the Cod family. Try to shift the blame and make them
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