Chapter 5009
Although Kimberly was unhappy about her son’s suggestion, she did not expect Figo to bring Scarlet back so quickly.

Seeing this elegant and beautiful woman, Kimberly did not feel good about it.

Kimberly had always treated her son as a treasure, so she could hardly accept his relationship with a beautiful woman.

“Hello, Mrs. Larson,” Scarlet greeted Kimberly gently.

She could feel Kimberly’s hostility toward her.

At this moment, Scarlet resented the fact that her charm was only effective on men.

If her charm had the same effect on a woman, Scarlet did not have to worry about this woman’s objections.

Kimberly was just an ordinary and weak practitioner who could hardly withstand her attack.

If this trick worked on women, Kimberly would be more subservient than Figo.

Scarlet could only play the humble act and hope to reduce Kimberly’s hostility.

As an employee of Bijou Parlor, Scarlet was a diplomatic person.

Kimberly felt much better at Scarlet’s humble attitude. Sin
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