Chapter 14

Sabrina Schulz.

I can't believe what I'm seeing with my own eyes.

Without a doubt, this is a horrifying nightmare. Erick squats in front of me and I have to look away to control my emotions. By this time Sabrina must know everything and if he does, we are in danger.

His blue eyes look at me. He doesn't know what he's lying to us about and knowing the way I know the beast, we're in big trouble. Angie's father and my uncle may be killed in retaliation for my stupid kidnapping. Now you are free… my subconscious screams, but why does this strange freedom not give me peace?

"What's going on?" The blonde asks in a melodious voice. I don't want to talk to him or tell him anything. I just want Sabrina not to end our lives. "Are you that interested? Why risk yourself in this way for a woman you barely know?"

His huge, hot hands untied the ropes on my hands and feet. His eyes focus on the reddish skin that has been left that way by the mistreatment of the material. He asks me to perm
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