Chapter 09

Sabrina Schulz

The soul is in a thread.

Erick covers my mouth so that I don't make a sound, he gently unites his eyebrows and puts himself on alert. As he releases his hand from my lips, he walks to the door and realizes who he is.

Cautiously placing one of his eyes over the hole in the door, he rests each of his hands on the wood of the door. He backs away quickly. "It's Sabrina..." he says with a small mouth and I can swear my heart has stopped beating.

I move my eyes to see what we are about to do. However, I am too upset, and if the German beast discovers we are locked in, he knocks again and I panic. I hear the wheels of a cart pulled by a waitress who is passing by and my hands start to shake.

"Who is in this room?" I hear Sabrina say with a strong German accent.

The woman is silent for a few seconds, perhaps because of how intimidating the German is. "That room is unoccupied, do you want to see it?"

No…no no…

I walk to the bathroom door and try to turn the knob. Eric
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