Chapter 10

Sabrina Schulz.

I cover my face with a pillow.

I wake up like a teenage girl who has been spoken to for the first time by her crush. I sit on the edge of my bed and listen to my overflowing heart. Did Erick really say that?

'Because you are addicted to Sabrina, so much so that I have already become addicted to you…'

I put my hands on my mouth so as not to scream. I realized that I hadn't slept at all as it was almost seven in the morning. After his strange confession, the blonde left my room leaving me with so many questions to ask him. Sabrina left for Mexico last night to make some deliveries and negotiations. At least I will have three days of calm.

I finished taking a shower and getting ready.

Angie smiles at me as soon as she sees me and I take a deep breath realizing the bodyguard is nowhere to be seen. A playful Adele hugs me from behind, making her scream a bit.

"Are you crazy, Adele Erick?!" I ask her while breathing heavily.

The blonde woman laughed. I sit at the
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