Chapter 12

Sabrina Schulz

Don't give me hope.

People often assume that he likes being in this position, so please don't try to encourage me with a voice that I know will never happen. I have heard the testimony of hundreds of women who often say that they envy me. I look at my reflection in the window pane in the beast's office.

If I had the opportunity to choose my life, I would have liked very much to live in Hawaii, in a small coastal house full of palm trees and with the sea just a few steps away.

I usually reproach myself. If only I had said no and run away, mom would be alive or maybe not. My life is so miserable. Erick looks at me since I haven't said anything at all and I think I won't. Surely he's just confused by how much power Sabrina has, or maybe that's what men have when they can't have something they long for.

I'm not part of that game.

I have had enough of Sabrina and his sociopathic airs. Who can love like this? Who can love someone like the German beast? My mother al
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