Chapter 13


Hours before the kidnapping.

I shift on my bed uncomfortably, sighing as I reheat the cigar I'm smoking. I had to practically run out of the house because of the damn Colombians. I look at the photo of my wife which I have left on the nightstand next to my bed so as not to miss her.

Sabrina, it has been the most memorable thing that has ever happened to me. I love her with all my strength and although people think I am a fucking sadist for treating her the way I do, I am not indifferent. She will always be mine. I want to consume her so that only she can have eyes for me. She could not and would not want to live without the love of my life.

I don't know how I will be able to live three days without my sweet girl. I have done so many things to keep her by my side. However, I know that she will never forgive me if she finds out that her family went bankrupt because of me. I had to do something to make her mine by hook or by crook. She has been mine since the da
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