Chapter 11

Sabrina Schulz

My chin trembles.

Erick puts a hand on my shoulder to try to calm me down. I hear Sabrina sigh deeply on the other end of the phone. I can't believe that even when I'm far away I don't stop controlling myself.

"What are you talking about, love?" Erick annihilates me with his eyes.

"He answered me immediately and not even two seconds passed and he located you. Do you see my stupid face, liebe?" I bite my lower lip.

"I had a problem in the kitchen and Mr. Spencer has cordially helped me take down the china. How is everything in Mexico? Have you been able to move forward?" He doesn't answer me at all. "Sabrina? Sabrina?" I jump when I hear a shot. "What was that? Sabrina!"

I hear absolutely nothing.

"Pass your phone to Erick and lock yourself in your room now."

"What's going on?" Another shot is being heard. "Sabrina!" Erick grabs my phone and I run to my room. Adele gets up as soon as she sees me upset. I have no idea what time she walks in and lay on my bed.

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