Chapter 07

Sabrina Schulz

Out of nowhere it starts to rain.

It is as if the world knows the state of mind of the beast, it is as if everything within it can be felt by our surroundings. I walk carefully to get behind him. Erick's words echo over and over in my head. If I can do this, will I be free? I would lose my life if something went wrong, but at least I can try.

Water drips all over my dress before Erick sends someone to cover me from the rain. The beast's eyes and nose are red from crying. People look at me since it is not common for me to be away from the German, so I stand next to him so as not to attract attention.

I receive a bouquet of red roses for the queen's grave from Angie, the one who deserves only death.

“Where were you?” Sabrina asks, holding my hand tightly. I move my feet from side to side as I feel the stinging.

"I went to get some fresh air… Love, you hurt me." I say trying to reassure him.

The priest asks Devora Schulz's only son to give a last word to his mot
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