Chapter 06

Sabrina Schulz

His eyes tell me everything.

I am confident that I will not be able to save myself from this. My body is being dragged to the punishment room. Angela gets in the way between the door and Sabrina, but a gun to her head drives her back. Erick has his arms crossed and I shake my head when I see his intention to intervene.

I close my eyes as I feel the click of the door. From here I can hear Angie's sobs. I tremble as I feel him pass behind me. He walks over to one of the drawers near the window and I gasp as I watch him pull out a riding crop.

"Kneel down," he exclaims in a tone so icy that it makes hairs on my skin stand on end.

"Sabrina…" I gasp. The German bit his lower lip before slapping me in the face.

"Why are you doing this to me, love? I have given you my life for six years, I have built a castle for my queen, and you still don't love me? What do other men have that I don't have?" His lips leave trails of saliva down my cheeks. "But I'm sure of one thin
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