Chapter 3

I cling to the leather seat of the German's private plane. We have traveled to Berlin for the safety of the family and apparently a war has broken out with the Italian mafia.

“Meine Schönheit, my sister has died because of Giorgio Jean Luca, we have come to this city to protect you. You will always be the most dearest thing to me.” Sabrina says while taking a sip of cognac. He looks tired and I can see the pain reflected in his eyes. Wendy, only twenty-four years old, was the only living blood relative of the German. When her parents died at the hands of the Irish mob, the mobster took over the charge of her little sister and the family business.

“We will be fine.” I speak holding his hand.

We are greeted by a group of men at the airport before walking through the German police. These men do not know what a couple of bills can do in this corrupt society.

After we moved into our brand-new house, I threw my bag on the king size bed immediately, take off my clothes, and is taking a bath to relax my muscles when I realized they have violated the security of the mansion in Bramen.

I feel a pounding in my chest. The Italian mafia is not going around the bush, if they have declared war I am more than sure that I will be Giorgio's first target.

"What are you thinking, love?" Sabrina's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. He pours some wine into a glass and hands it to me. The foam of the bathtub covers my naked body.

“Giorgio.” I mumble.

Sabrina sighs, “Speaking of which…I didn't mean to tell you anything in Bramen, but my sister's body had this note on it.”

My heart freezes.

«Next is Sabrina, take proper care of your wife. You never know when it will be the last time you see her alive.


I get up from the tub, cover my body with a towel, the temperature turns cold. Sabrina tries to reassure me that he won't let anything terrible happen to me, but I don't know if I believe him.


The mansion is in chaos, men come and go from the property; Jason gives instructions to a group of people and they nod at his command.

"Mrs...." Angela Gabriela, the woman Sabrina has made available to me, calls me.

"Tell me, Angie." I cut the stem of one of the many roses in the garden.

“I've prepared breakfast for you, you can go to the country terrace.”

I get up and smile at her. Sabrina has been busy all morning and I appreciate it. I'm not in the mood to put up with his stupidity. One of the servants serves me fruit and yogurt to eat. I look in the distance as a couple of trucks arrive with more men.

I roll my eyes. Everything would have been easier if my dad had never handed me over to the German beast.

It's almost seven at night, Sabrina hasn't been home all day. Angie keeps me company as I read Pride and Prejudice.

I walk to the balcony of my room. The cold of the night shelters me, and the guards move from one side to another protecting the property of Berlin. I sigh ready to rest a little, knowing that as soon as Sabrina arrives I will have many hours awake. I try to move but am paralyzed as my body is doused with water. I open my eyes and glare at the asshole who has caused this.

When I see him smile, I clench my hands. I manage to see it, his features are marked, his messy brown hair is beautiful. He has strong arms, pectorals and buttocks. I squeeze my legs. It's the first time someone has put me this effect. Angie walks in and asks me what's going on.

I rush out to the garden ready to put that guy in his place. The servants and men call me, but I'm too angry with that stranger.

"You…" I point to him, the man half-smiling and I feel like I'm losing my sanity.

“Tell me.” I release the air from my lungs, Jason asks me if I'm okay and I ask him to leave now.

"Speak to me with respect. Don't you know who I am?"

"Should I?" the handsome man says arrogantly.

"I'm..." When he wets me again with the hose that I didn't realize he is holding until now, I open my eyes and gasp like a fish.

"But what..." Angie laughs, I turn to leave, Sabrina comes through the front door and I'm glad he doesn’t notice me. I rush upstairs and change quickly. Jason knocks on my bedroom door a couple of times to let me know my husband needs to see me. I walk out and go downstairs. Sabrina is sitting in the swivel body chair in his office. He hardly sees me he gets up and kisses my mouth with such determination.

“You look so gorgeous," he whispers against my lips.

I take a seat next to him. Sabrina intertwines our fingers and plays with my hair. “What are you going to do now?' German asks me.

"I don’t know…" I roll my eyes. I would be in danger if I stayed at home all day.

Someome knocks wooden door a couple of times. I adjust my skirt that has risen a few centimeters due to the caresses of the German. I turn to adjust my clothing a bit.

“Please accept my warm welcome to our family, Erick. I look forward to being able to count on you for the most significant things in my life.” My husband says as I turn to see who Sabrina is talking to and I freeze when I see the asshole who has wet me in front of him.

"Sabrina, this is your newly appointed bodyguard…”

And I let out a heavy sigh.


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