CHAPTER 91. The judge's order is clear

CHAPTER 91. The judge's order is clear

Andrea couldn't exactly describe how she felt, but that mixture of fear, helplessness, and despair never left her. The supposed nurse who had given the baby the wrong milk was no longer around the house when they arrived, but she made sure to mention it to Zack in a message. Despite the terrible situation she was in, she couldn't forget anything that could be used against Mason.

That night, she didn't sleep; she couldn't. But peeking out the window and seeing him sitting in the truck, alert to any movement, gave her a certain peace.

Unfortunately, Andrea wasn't the only one who saw him, and at four in the morning, in the bitter cold, Zack heard a pair of knuckles rapping on the car window. He took a deep breath when he saw the two police officers and courteously stepped out of the vehicle.

"Officers, how can I help you?"

"Sorry, sir, but you can't be here," one of the policemen said.

"Why not?" Zack asked politely. "I'm not on private property. I
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