CHAPTER 92. We need to change our strategy

CHAPTER 92. We need to change our strategy

Andrea didn't need to be told twice; she hurried out, and as soon as she reached the street, Zack opened the back door of the truck for her to get in.

"Don't worry. We have the night shift in this area," the officers said, shaking Zack's hand. "We can swing by whenever needed."

They left him their numbers, and Zack thanked them before taking Andrea away from there. They arrived at the company's building, and he made sure they were seen entering, just so that idiot Mason wouldn't think of causing trouble. However, fifteen minutes later, they switched cars in the parking lot and left in Ben's car.

"Will this cause any problems?" Andrea asked, worried.

"No, I already checked with Gazca. The judge's order doesn't say you can't take Adriana out of daycare, we just need to make sure we bring her back before five," Zack responded. "Besides, you need to rest. We still have a few sleepless nights ahead of us."

They stopped by Andrea's apartment, but Z
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