CHAPTER 93. Trust That I Won't Leave

CHAPTER 93. Trust That I Won't Leave

That was true. So true that Zack felt a knot form in his stomach.

"What do you suggest?" he asked, turning to Milo.

His brother walked in front of the property, frowning.

"It has a tall fence, not a wall: a typical mistake of the newly rich, valuing the display of what they have over privacy," Milo observed. "Fortunately, that gives us an advantage because we have two houses to choose from."

He pointed to the houses on either side of Mason's.

"Either of them is a good option," Loan declared. "If you look down the halls, you'll see they have huge backyards. Andrea wouldn't have to be cooped up all day, and we could keep a better eye on her. You just need to get one of them to rent it to you for the next fifteen days."

Zack nodded, but he wasn't as confident as his brother about negotiating with the homeowners.

"I'll look into the owners to see what the possibilities are," he muttered, but Officer O'Grady approached him.

"No need for that. Remember,
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