You are my dream

You are my dreamEN

A. C. Mabrano  Completo
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Renato draws a lot of attention. He is as vibrant as his classes at the Sweat Drop gym. Luciana, a well-dedicated tourism student, explores exciting ecological destinations in the Pantanal of Brazil. Would they have an opportunity to meet, beyond the dream?

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Último capítulo

También te gustarán

Novos lançamentos de romances

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15 chapters
Chapter 1
  Author A. C. Mabrano writes romances for romantics, poems for poetics and songs for everyone. She likes people. She likes the sun, the moon and sparkling stars. Also the sea, mountains, animals ... Ah, God is good!    __

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Chapter 2
 Chapter 2  Luciana had everything planned. She was going to take advantage of every minute of her time to be more prepared for the trip to Pantanal. It was a dream come true, she wasn't going to waste it. Many people, even working in the tourism field, spent their entire lives behind a desk, dealing with reservations, documents, complaints. Few had the opportunity to travel to a dream destination like this.

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Chapter 3
 Chapter 3 Luciana entered the gym in a hurry.Earlier she had been studying the list of passengers registered for the trip to Pantanal and time had flown by. It was a group of thirty people and Luciana had to make arrangements for special requests. Two couples, for example
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Chapter 4
 Chapter 4  Luciana changed her behavior at the gym. She was no longer looking for opportunities to be close to Renato. She even avoided him. She focused on herself and her goals. Marina was furious and wanted to go there and call names or scream at everyone at the gym. But Luciana did not agree. Leer más
Chapter 5
 Chapter 5 And finally, the day of the trip arrives. The group interacts from the beginning. New friendships appear that can last for the rest of their lives. People exchange information and expectations. The couple André and Marta were going to the Pantanal for the third time. They were contagious in their cheerfulness and charmed everyone with their wonderful stories of contacts with the riverside peoples of that region.

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Chapter 6
  Chapter 6   They had already been on the tour for twelve days. During the day, they explored long trails through lush vegetation. The trees had so many birds that it seemed to Luciana that the trees themselves sang. Their group reached mysterious and refreshing caves, where they rested in the shade and enjoyed natural sources of mineral water. In addition, they visited bays, salt flats, lagoons and mountain ranges that make up a unique world in soun
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Chapter 7
 Chapter 7 Back at the travel agency, Mr. Artur shows his pride in Luciana's good work.“Vilma told me how you controlled the panic and restored the calm and joy of the trip, Luciana. Congratulations. No school or business course can teach this. It's the natural perso
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Chapter 8
 Chapter 8 On Saturday Renato takes Luciana to have frozen yogurt in a quiet place that had opened near her house.They talk a lot. They start talking about Pantanal, but end up addressing other issues, such as their childhood, their hobbies, their challe
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Chapter 9
 Chapter 9  Luciana was at an abdominal class with trainer Sueli. Renato's sister was very sweet, even her walking was delicate, as a dancer. Sueli was already 32 years old and was married, so she did not participate in the gossip groups of Sweat Drop. Always after her classes, she met her husband who was waiting for her in the parking lot. He was a lawyer. Sueli always told funny stories about him, to distract the students during classes, li
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Chapter 10
 Chapter 10 Mrs. Cida's birthday was very lively. In addition to the neighbors and some friends and colleagues, many young people, friends of Luciana, were also invited.Because they lived by themselves, Mrs. Cida took every opportunity to bring more peop
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