Day Torres  Completo
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Ian Blake was a specialist in many things: in taking photographs, in training wolves, and in hiding his true identity as one of the magnates of the Di Sávallo Empire. Dominant, solitary, dark... he had an inviolable rule about how long a woman stayed in his bed: two months, not a day more, not a day less! Lia Marie Grant wasn't even aware she existed. The recent loss of her baby had robbed her of every last impulse of life, transporting her to a state of absence from which nothing... or no one... was able to bring her out of... Or was she? Training Lia as if she were one of his wolves wasn't the problem. The problem was falling in love to the bone with a woman who didn't want to live.

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Madame Amoureuse
omg!! i love you work!!
2022-07-01 13:07:45
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Me encanta que tengas una novela en inglés, es genial poder leerte en otro idioma, ya me parecías buena escritora antes pero ahora ya me flipas ...
2022-06-30 09:22:52
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en español por favor
2022-03-23 22:52:10
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los hombres d savallo
2022-01-09 11:50:22
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Catherine Cartes Mendez
en español por favor .........
2021-11-16 14:33:24
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Norma Hidalgo
deberías publicarla en español por favor
2021-09-28 06:54:20
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Ese Nam
Very beautiful short novel. Very emotional and I love it
2022-12-16 18:09:56
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Norma Simmer
deberían de traducirla.........
2021-11-07 09:31:46
28 chapters
Dear reader:This book is the translation of one of my books in Spanish. I am a Spanish-speaking author, but I am doing my best to translate this beautiful novel into English. If you find an error, please comment to correct it, but please do it with kindness and consideration.I hope you enjoy it.Thank you!Day  CHAPTER 1He looked up and was lost far, far away, where the sea fiercely devoured the rock.—I beg you, Ian, do it for me!He tried to escape from her voice, from her whole figure sitting in front of him in a second—rate café in the port of the island, but her insistence finally brought him back to reality. It was always difficult to escape from Katherine! The Italian gave her a two—second glance: thirty years old, brunett
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To Katherine's shocked look, Ian responded with the assurance that was needed.—Get up —he ordered her, he always ordered—, I'll go with you.It didn't take a genius to understand that in the state of anxiety she was in, the woman should not be driving. The Carson family home was about three miles from the port, and all the way the Italian continued to rack his brains.He understood how much Lia meant to Katherine, as much as little Flavia or any of her siblings meant to him, and he was sure that the death of her newborn baby had devastated her, but that was none of his business. He didn't know her, in three years he hadn't met any relatives of the one who had been his mistress, but one thing was certain: Kathy couldn't use the friendship they still shared to ask him to educate her sister."Yes, educate, there's no other way to put it."His temper was capable of controlling the wolf pack he had at home, but Lia was far from being
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 —What? —Katherine's question did not express surprise, but indignation—. What do you mean?  Are you going to send her to a hospital?—Well… I already made the arrangements this morning, I'm going to send her to a clinic...Johan didn't continue speaking, but everyone was quite aware of what he meant.—A... psychiatric clinic? —Kathy clarified, full of astonishment—. That's your answer?Her brother—in—law shrugged, as seemed to be his habit, and the gesture forced Ian to take a deep breath so as not to confront him. Furious, yes, he was furious at the attitude of a man who did not care about the obvious suffering of his wife.—It's the best for her. Lia needs professional help.—What Lia needs is her family! Bring professional help here, to the house!The Italian watched Johan's gestures carefully. It was obvious that he was determined to lock h
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Katherine didn't move. For a second she thought she couldn't breathe and then she let out a sigh, relieved.—I won't —she murmured, as if those words from Ian had given her back all her hopes in one breath—. I trust you.—Are you aware of what this decision means? —he asked, convinced that, although this was her last resort, she had not appreciated the consequences of what she was about to do.—I just want her to be happy again —was her answer, as if that were the only possible justification for leaving her sister in the hands of the Italian—. I want her to get over all this.Ian nodded his head, feeling Lia's torrid breath on his throat with every movement.—And have you thought about what this means to me?Kathy clenched her jaws and frowned, but didn't take her eyes off the road as she drove toward the least inhabited part of the island.—I know that I am taking away your
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The main living room of the house was spacious and well—lit. Around it, twelve huge windows offered an exquisite landscape. Quiet, relaxing. The doors at the back opened onto the terrace, and the terrace onto the sea. But getting to know that little universe didn't seem to be in her guest's immediate interests, so Ian settled her in one of the armchairs and went back to the van for her things.Shadow waited for him outside expectantly, stroked his head and the wolf gave him an affectionate lick. He had done so well with Lia, really well.When he finally reached the car, Katherine was crying inconsolably, her forehead pressed against the steering wheel.—Katherine! —he scolded her—. You promised you wouldn't question my methods.—Oh, I'm not, I swear, I'm not! —she sobbed.—Then why are you crying? You know I would never let Shadow or the others hurt her.Yes, Kathy knew. The wolves' training had been
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—Lia, can you bathe by yourself?Her silence was a clear answer, but he still did not dare to touch her. She had the emotional helplessness of a little girl, but her body was that of a woman, a very sensual woman. Leaning over the edge of the tub, she was making circles in the water with her fingertips, and in front of her stood Ian, not knowing what to do, wondering what it was about this woman that he couldn't just strip her naked and put her in the bath.He reached a hand up to her left shoulder and gently slid the strap of her nightgown down. Lia didn't flinch. He repeated the operation with the other shoulder and the top of the garment slipped a little over her breasts. With a concentrated effort Ian mentally roused himself and took it on as a chore. It was obvious that she was having difficulty noticing his presence, so he set to work.He grabbed the nightgown from both sides at her hips and pulled it down. The satin rolled over her skin like an invi
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It was Friday. It had only been five days since Lia had arrived and the Italian could almost say that she hadn't altered his routine much... except that he always had to keep an eye on her, feed her, bathe her, take her for walks, take care of her things... He was a bloody housewife!Time, however, was flying by. She was still distant, but she already had some achievements in her favor. She was already bathing herself: at least her arms. She was already opening her mouth: for him to feed her. It wasn't much, but five days wasn't much either, and at least she was already obeying a little.Holding his hand, as she always did, she followed him to the beach and stared at the sea while he took pictures. Where he left her, there she stayed, immobile and distant as a rock.Ian wasn't sure to what extent she shared his reality, or if she was at least aware that she wasn't in her own home. Now the only completely new factor in that equation was the wolves, and the girl s
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—Lia!Ian woke up with a start. Suddenly Johan's words hammered in his head: "I haven't slept for three months, I don't rest, I have to keep an eye on her at all hours because I'm afraid she's going to do something stupid..."But he had not left her alone. Shadow was by her side, and Fao, and Rama. They slept in the room with her, and if she had moved half a millimeter their howls would have alerted him. Lia was fine, and he was just a little elated about the last conversation he'd had with Carlo, news about his family always made him a little anxious.Fabio, his twin, was dealing with the media scandal his latest mistress had caused.Angelo was due to start the second season of the World Rally Championship in a few weeks.Carlo's marriage was going downhill.Marco had wiped out three companies that were competing with the Di Sávallo Empire.And Alessandro had moved in for some time with his mother, to help her control th
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Ian tried to get away from Lia, but she felt the barrier of air crossing between the two bodies and refused, she didn't want him to leave, she didn't want to lose that feeling of having him close, of being caressed. She didn't want to let go of that smell, those hands, those tormented blue eyes that looked at her with the most irrepressible desire.Beyond the fog was that feeling of deep arousal that seized her, and she didn't want to let go of it.She stuck her thumbs in the belt loops of his jeans, thwarted his cowardly attempt to escape, and drew him back to her.—What the hell...? —he muttered, amazed.It was the first decision she made, and she made it at the wrong time."Lia, that's enough, let go of me." He could have told her, but the truth slapped him in the face: he was afraid she would obey him. What a good dominant! Katherine would laugh in his face if she had known... Katherine, was another main reason not to go ah
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Ian grabbed her around the waist with one arm and lifted her until she straddled him. Sitting on the bed, not leaving her body, kissing her throat, her breasts, her ear.... Every movement was a wave of desire breaking, slamming into them, pulling at them with a force neither of them had ever known before.—Lia, look at me —he begged her, because despite having her, trembling and surrendered as no other lover had ever surrendered to him, Ian was terrified, terrified that she didn't know him, that she was thinking of someone else—. I want you to see me, I want you to know it's me....She tilted her head and looked at him as she moved her hips in a delicious rhythm. Ian lost himself in those damned black eyes and knew she was there, that she was with him, guiding him, desiring him, giving herself with a sincerity he would not have thought any woman capable of.He gripped her hips and increased the pressure, all at once, thrusting with exquisite fo
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