_ On Saturday I'll bring the children. _ Katherine said goodbye, hugging her at the door.

_ All right, I'll try to cook something they'll like.

Lia closed the door behind her sister and looked around. The apartment was small and bright, and in little more than a week she had managed to turn it from a completely impersonal place into something that looked quite like a home.

The editor of the newspaper where she used to work had received the news of her return with joy. Apparently during his absence the publication had become a real mess, and together they had planned to have him join the editorial staff next week.

Little by little everything was taking its course, everything but her feelings. It was true what she had told Katherine, she had fallen in love with Ian like an idiot, and yes, she was suffering unspeakably from not being able to see him.

She missed his smell, she missed his arms. She missed more than anything the assurance of that voice that had never stopped speaking to her
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