_ Tell me again! _ Ian asked her as he furrowed her bare back with gentle caresses. He couldn't remember a more perfect woman than fact he couldn't remember any other woman _ Go on, tell me again.

_ I love you. _ she made a move to lie on his body even though she barely had the strength to move _ I love you. _ and kissed his eyes, his cheeks, his lips _ I love you, I love you, I love you.

He smiled softly and sought her mouth _ There was no way he could ever feel satiated with Leah!

When the pilot told me you hadn't arrived on the last ferry I really thought you wouldn't come, that I would leave without you.

I had to say goodbye to Grace. I had never visited her grave so I got lost, and I was too late to catch the boat.

How did you get there?

_ I remembered that you had had to get Carlo off the island in the early morning, and Arturo put me in touch with a captain who took me to Playa right away.

She kissed him tenderly on the chin. That was her place, nestled in Ian's
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