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Lia Ontiveros, is a cheerful girl, fun, loves life and enjoys traveling, however, an unexpected tragedy turns her world upside down, the death of her parents, confronts her with a harsh reality, she was alone with an astronomical debt and no job. Therefore, when she sees that ad in the newspaper she does not hesitate to go, because it was quite attractive, however, things are not as simple as it seems Marco Estebans Veliz, is not looking for an ordinary employee, but a surrogate mother.All rights reserved, total or partial reproduction of this work or its distribution by any means is prohibited without the express authorization of the author. Work registered under number 2201050191894 dated 05/01/2022.

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Terika Blocker
At first it was hard to get into due to the many typos but once I figured out what the author was trying to say it was easier
2022-09-09 01:06:38
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Sofía de Orellana
I love Lía! She's amazing, so powerful and smart, simply... the best
2022-09-07 02:58:40
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Sofía de Orellana
Oh no... without food? I lost my mind xD
2022-09-07 02:50:48
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Sofía de Orellana
Poor Lía, it should be so hard lost your parents
2022-09-07 02:47:43
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Alejandra Dessens
This novel is wonderful... Of course I read the Spanish version but I read it again in English. It is a pleasure to enjoy the love story of Lía, Marco and their beautiful children
2022-09-07 02:29:07
180 chapters
Chapter 1. Looking for a job
Lía Ontiveros reviewed the accounts over and over again, as if deep down she was hoping that a miracle would happen, and she had been wrong, but it was not so, everything was clear, her parents had left a millionaire debt and not even the inherited assets could be enough to face the creditors.She sighed helplessly, getting up from the gnawed armchair with much more force than she intended, due to the impulse used, the seat fell backwards making a resounding noise when hitting the shiny wooden floor; however, she ignored it, not even bothering to pick it up. She began to walk from one side to the other, at the same time she put her hands to her hair in a gesture of desperation, while she thought of a solution to pay and cover the expenses, she looked at the small office, whose walls were covered with wooden shelves where rested several collections of books of different genres, classic, contemporary and modern authors, she was saddened by the decision she had to make, she had no other
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Chapter 2. Unexpected Reencounter
Lia stared at him for a couple of seconds, totally surprised by his words, she couldn't believe how being so attractive he could express himself that way, that impressed her to the point of remaining for a moment abstracted, without emitting any sound, until she saw the scornful expression on the man's face."I'm sorry sir, I was distracted looking at the luxurious building and I didn't notice your presence, but you can give me your shirt and coat, I have no problem to send it to be washed" she said, trying to be kind and smiling a smile with which she hoped to appease the man's irritation. However, she did not expect the man's attitude, who looked at her from head to toe in a contemptuous way as if she were crazy, and without a word he turned away, leaving her alone as if she were someone insignificant, with whom he was not going to waste time paying attention to her; that attitude of arrogance displeased Lia, who could not control her tongue and expressed annoyed."You idiot! He th
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Chapter 3. Very high dignity
Lia could not believe that it was the same man with whom she collided at the door of the building, the same day of the interview and did not hide for a second the great displeasure caused by his presence because that day she felt belittled by his attitude towards her.At the same time, he was thinking, how could such a clumsy woman have been selected after that meticulous selection process? Well, he had appointed the best professionals in the different fields, to perform the evaluations, who not only had a wide range of skills, but also shared a loyalty to Estebans Véliz, mainly to him."I'm sorry! Although I have no idea what this job is about, just knowing that this man... ", she pointed her finger at him in a derogatory attitude "And I will be working in the same space, I don't want to know about it" she spoke boldly, at the same time she got up from her seat, however, she had not yet walked two steps away, when the voice of one of the lawyers stopped her."Miss Ontiveros, are you
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Chapter 4. Natural process
When Marco saw her leave, he could not control his annoyance, she was the most daring and rude woman he had ever had the misfortune to meet, it provoked him to go after her and spank her as if she were an infant, to see if that way she would learn to respect him, and she would have done so, if not for one of his lawyers and friend who stopped him."Marco, think well what you are going to do, if you lay a finger on that woman in front of witnesses, you don't know what legal trouble you can get into, and even if you can come out victorious in any lawsuit, you will have a bad time, besides a scandal can have negative repercussions on companies" he stood for a moment thoughtfully took the folder and added."Besides, when she signed, she did it without realizing it and ended up doing it with the complete file of documents, so Lía Ontiveros, it is in your hands whether she wants it or not" Liam pronounced with satisfaction."Then, I'm going after her!" exclaimed Marcos, smiling mischievousl
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Chapter 5. Genius and figure
Marco gritted his teeth fiercely, as he felt the water fall and then roll down his handsome face."What the hell did you just do!" he exclaimed in an icy voice, as he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped himself, though without taking his eyes off her."What the hell did you just say!" she uttered in the same tone.Her question apparently giving him satisfaction, he approached her like a predator stalking its prey and whispered in her ear."You'll have to sleep with me to fulfill the part of the bargain and until we have your little seed and mine, united in your pretty womb, we won't stop trying" he declared smiling."Well, get ready, because even with that damn contract, there are two things you won't see, the face of God, and you're inserting your little thing to put the seed in me, to end up in my belly" she pronounced mockingly, lifting her chin arrogantly.Her words provoked the displeasure of Marcos, who felt offended by calling his penis a "thingy"; without thinking much about w
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Chapter 6. Making fun of the Estebans
Marco was seething with anger, he slammed a loud thump on the table, gritting his teeth in rage."How did all those people manage to hire the same demon and have him turn out perfectly in everything?" he questioned with a steely expression. "Don't complain too much, because even if you want to disguise it, that very demon likes you, "Paul pointed out mockingly."Me? You're crazy! Nothing could be further from the truth, how can I like a haughty woman, who doesn't have the self-conceit to discuss anything that comes to her mind? With those eyes, the color of bird poop and... Shit!" his friends guffawed when they saw Marco's expression."Did you realize you're fucked up? Do you like that woman?" questioned Liam. "Don't talk nonsense, I just resent her attitude, but I would never fall in love with a woman like her "he saw the raised eyebrows of his friends, who were looking at him with mockery. Don't look at me like that, I told you, I don't like her!" he exclaimed, although his frien
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They both stared at each other suspiciously, until the silence was broken by Marco.“I keep asking myself, why did the tests show that of all the candidates presented, you were the one with the highest IQ? When it is notorious by your words and your behavior that you even lack common sense, no matter how hard I try to find a logical reason, I simply cannot explain it to myself...” he was about to continue speaking when he felt the blow hit hard on his cheek, making him move his face to one side, for a brief moment he did not react, he was stunned because he did not expect such an aggressive reaction from him. “Don't degrade me! I don't allow it to anyone. Who do you think you are?" she asked indignantly. “Very dignified girl! Can you make fun of me?” he spat, grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her tightly. At this point Hermes approached and despite being fearful, he confronted her. “Please let her go!" He exclaimed, although his voice trembled a little, just knowing the vi
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CHAPTER 8. How can she always get away with it?
Marcos stood there without taking his eyes off her, watching her run away until the driver pulled him out of his concentration."Sir, will you let her go? Why didn't you run after her? Do it!" the man urged him, but the CEO remained unperturbed, while squinting his eyes."I'm going up to the apartment, I won't go after her, I'll let her believe that I have given up holding her, and she has achieved her goal, just as the predator plays with the prey, making her believe that I let her go free" he expressed complacently.-But you should send the bodyguards after her, if she escapes you won't be able to get her," the chauffeur continued insisting with a hint of concern.The man smiled, as if only he knew the joke."You can go Ernesto, don't worry, I have everything under control, I'll take care of her. I'll call you if I need you," he said in a neutral tone.He went up to the apartment, entered calmly observing every detail, it was just as he had asked to decorate it, there was only one r
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Capítulo 9. ¿En una probeta?
Marcos llegó a la oficina furioso, demasiado alterado, siempre se imaginó de niño, lo frustrado que se sentiría el coyote por no poder atrapar nunca al correcaminos porque aparentemente tenía la respuesta allí, a pesar de ello, nunca se imaginó estar en el papel del coyote. Al principio, esperaba pasar el día libre en el apartamento, para descansar, para dormir, pero finalmente, decidió ir en busca de Lia, necesitaba urgentemente arreglar con ella el asunto relacionado con su hijo; Cualquiera podría juzgar y decir que siendo un importante director general, y uno de los hombres más poderosos del país, podría simplemente demandar y obligar a Lía de esta manera a cumplir parte de su acuerdo, sin embargo, para él, no era tan sencillo, primero, necesitaba tener un heredero, segundo, no quería informar a la opinión pública de que tenía un hijo, no quería informar a la opinión pública de que su hijo sería concebido por inseminación artificial porque todo el mundo lo cuestionaría, e incluso
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Chapter 10. Helping a child
Marcos sighed and then squeezed the bridge of his nose in frustration, while internally asking for Job's patience, because that was the only way he could put up with Eugenia Lucrecia Zuloaga de Estebans Veliz, his mother.“Mom, don't demonize the process, it is simply a scientific process through which mature eggs extracted from the ovaries are joined in a laboratory and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory, then that embryo or embryos... “before she could continue speaking, her mother raised her hand in a gesture of impatience.“Stop explaining the process to me! I know it perfectly well and I told you, the explanation is simple, you will make my grandson in a test tube, now my question is why, doesn't that work very well for you over there? “said his mother, raising her eyebrows with an expression of disbelief, pointing to his member, making Marcos embarrassed.“For God's sake, Mom, aren't you ashamed to say such things to me? Those don't seem to me to be topics to talk about with
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