Ian gave an exasperated gasp, incredulous at such words, and in the next second his indignation boiled over like an active volcano.

_ Lia how dare you say something like that _ do you think that's all you are to me, my mistress-in-waiting? _ he almost shouted _ Do you think I would have come all the way from Monaco to demand that your husband set you free, just so I could get you into my bed from time to time?

She had hurt him. Those words had hurt him, because they meant that in all the time they had been together she had been incapable of realizing his feelings.

_I think what happened to Kathy has happened to you,_ the girl murmured undaunted, a single minute of flinching and her spirit would give out on him, she knew it _I think you felt a little responsible for me, and that's why you came to help me out of this....

_ Of course I feel responsible for you! _ Ian paced back and forth like a caged beast _ And not a little, a lot! How could I not want to protect you, how could I not go
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