
Ian woke up with a start. Suddenly Johan's words hammered in his head: "I haven't slept for three months, I don't rest, I have to keep an eye on her at all hours because I'm afraid she's going to do something stupid..."

But he had not left her alone. Shadow was by her side, and Fao, and Rama. They slept in the room with her, and if she had moved half a millimeter their howls would have alerted him. Lia was fine, and he was just a little elated about the last conversation he'd had with Carlo, news about his family always made him a little anxious.

Fabio, his twin, was dealing with the media scandal his latest mistress had caused.

Angelo was due to start the second season of the World Rally Championship in a few weeks.

Carlo's marriage was going downhill.

Marco had wiped out three companies that were competing with the Di Sávallo Empire.

And Alessandro had moved in for some time with his mother, to help her control th

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