CHAPTER 94. Really urgent

CHAPTER 94. Really urgent

Zack thanked them, and soon after, they passed by the office building on their way to the apartment. Adriana quickly started playing with Milo, and Zack dragged Andrea to her room.

"Let me see you," he growled, lifting her chin.

"Zack, it really wasn't anything..." Andrea tried to pull away, but he shook his head.

"Of course, it was something! That bastard dared to lay his hands on you! I'll kill him!" he hissed helplessly, gritting his teeth.

Andrea ran a hand through his hair and pulled him close to her.

"Zack, you need to calm down..."

"I can't believe you're telling me that," he said desperately. "How can you ask me to calm down when that man dared to hurt you?"

"Because I can't let you do anything stupid. We're in the middle of a trial, and we need to endure this until the end... there's a lot at stake here. Adriana is at stake."

Zack looked at her with narrowed eyes. He knew she was right, but the helplessness was eating him up inside.

"I know, but I ca
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